If you're interested in supporting Journalism.WTF with either your time or helping with costs, there are a few ways you can contribute.
Data Collection
The goal of this site is to collect, organize and share data across various facets of the field of news and information.
If you'd like to contribute to the work of finding, collecting and organizing this data, you can find an index of current and planned databases here.
Each entry includes:
- a definition of what fits the parameters of the database
- a key to the data fields being collected
- a link to the published embedded data table for reference
- a link to the form for submitting individual entries
- a link to the form for uploaded a file if you have bulk data such as a csv
Technical Help
Ghost Theme
Currently, this site is using a free Ghost theme designed for documentation. Given that the most frictionless way to collect and display information across the various databases is embedding tables, being able to optimize post and page layouts for Airtable embeds would improve the user experience.
If you are interested in helping with customizing a Ghost theme (this one) for this site to help optimize for Airtable use, let us know.
You can also use this form to share ideas for other technical assistance you would like to offer.
Currently, this site is a project coordinated by Heather Bryant and is not formally incorporated as its own organization. The labor for populating the site is volunteer labor. The costs of this site are the costs of the Ghost subscription.
At this time, that work is done in bits and bursts when capacity exists. There are plans for a regular newsletter to share upcoming deadlines, opportunities, etc. but until then, a recurring optional premium membership tier isn't the right fit for offsetting costs.
However, if you'd like to contribute to help pay for the cost of the Ghost subscription and help fund moving up to the business tier of Airtable to allow for more functionality and ease of work, there is a tip jar where you can do so.
The goal is to move to the creator tier of Ghost ($300/year) and the Business tier of Airtable ($540/year) for more functionality in the future.