In addition to the listed databases for active data collection, additional Organization and People databases are being constructed with applicable entries as the data is assembled for the following areas.
How to use this page
Each resource has an associated table. The following entries outline the scope of the table, the fields being collected and details about what information will be maintained over time.
Some resources such as conferences, awards and fellowships have two tables, one for the Conference, Award or Fellowship as an object and each year's conference, award or fellowship as an instance of that object. When contributing data, feel free to focus on adding specific instances of the item. The parent object will be created if needed behind the scenes as data gets checked before publishing.
For each entry, you'll find a link to each table to contribute a single entry for the table. To help reduce duplication and save labor, please search the existing published table to see if it is already listed.
However, if you are particularly interested in a resource and want to collect information in bulk (or already have collected information) there is also a link where you can upload a csv of data. If you need support for contributing in this way, you can reach out here.
Industry News Directory
Database of industry press, publications, newsletters, podcasts and other sources of new and commentary about the field of journalism.
- Status: Published
- Maintenance: link maintenance, add new entries as they are identified
- Work to be done: Expand from newsletters to include general publications, podcasts and other types of industry media
๐ Contribute individual entries to the Industry News Directory
๐๏ธ Contribute bulk entries to the Industry News Directory
Name: name of site, newsletter, publication, etc
Person: If published by an individual, person's name
Organization: If published by an organization, organization's name
Description: Description of publication
URL: URL of the publication
Cost: Cost to access, if any
Frequency: Publishing frequency
Topics: Topics covered (select from list)
Coverage Scope: Local, state, regional, national, international
Type: Newsletter, Blog/Publication, Podcast, other
Community Spaces Database
Database of community spaces such as Facebook groups, Slack communities, LinkedIn Groups, Listservs and Discords.
- Status: Published
- Maintenance: link maintenance, add new entries as they are identified
๐ Contribute individual entries to the Community Spaces Database
๐๏ธ Contribute bulk entries to the Community Spaces Database
Name: Name of community space
Description: Description of space, conversations, audience
Host: Host organization or space manager
URL: URL of space or sign-up page
Type: Type of space (Slack, FB, LinkedIn, Listserv, Discord, etc)
Institutional Membership Organizations Database
Database of membership or affiliation organizations for institutional membership.
- Status: Published
- Maintenance: link maintenance, add new entries as they are identified
๐ Contribute individual entries to the Institutional Membership Database
๐๏ธ Contribute bulk entries to the Institutional Membership Database
Name: Name of affiliation
Organization: Name of host organization (might duplicate name but links to Org database)
Description: Description of member benefits
Cost: Cost of membership
URL: Most relevant URL for more information
Individual Membership Organizations Database
Database of membership organizations for individual affiliation.
- Status: Published
- Maintenance: link maintenance, add new entries as they are identified
๐ Contribute individual entries to the Individual Membership Database
๐๏ธ Contribute bulk entries to the Individual Membership Database
Name: Name of affiliation
Organization: Name of host organization (might duplicate name but links to Org database)
Description: Description of member benefits
Cost: Cost of membership
URL: Most relevant URL for more information
Awards Database
Database of journalism awards and competitions. Note* This is technically two databases, one for the Award Program and one for each instance of the award. (Ex: The Pulitzers and the 2025 Pulitzers)
- Status: Under Construction
- Maintenance: yearly update for new dates and other details
๐ Contribute individual entries to the Awards Instance Database
๐๏ธ Contribute bulk entries to the Awards Instance Database
Instance Fields
Instance Name: Award Name + Year (ex: Pulitzers 2025)
Awards Name: Award Program (ex: Pulitzers)
Year: Year of award
Submission Deadline: Deadline for submitting entries
Submission URL: URL for submitting entries
Cost: Free, fee
Fee Details: Description of fees
Nomination Deadline: Deadline if award is nomination based
Nomination URL: URL for nomination
Results: Date when results will be public
Notes: Any notes or additional details specific to the award instance
Training Database
Database of workshops, training sessions, learning series and other skill development opportunities that are event based.
- Status: Planning
- Maintenance: Ongoing addition of events as they arise. Addition of event materials after the training if publicly available.
๐ Contribute individual entries to the Training Database
๐๏ธ Contribute bulk entries to the Training Database
Name: Name of event
Host: Host organizations
Description: Description of event
Date: Date of event
URL: URL for more information
Registration Fee: Registration fee, if any
Target Audience: Audience for training opportunity
Materials and Resources: Link to post-event resources if public
Conference Database
Database of journalism conferences. Note* This is technically two databases, one for the Conference and one for each instance of the conference. (Example: SRCCON and SRCCON 2025)
- Status: Published
- Maintenance: yearly update for new dates, locations and other details
- Needs: expansion for more full coverage, especially international conferences
๐ Contribute individual entries to the Conference Instance Database
๐๏ธ Contribute bulk entries to the Conference Instance Database
Instance Fields
Instance Name: Conference Name + Year
Conference: Conference Name
Host: Host organization
Focus: If specific focus, description
Theme: If instance has a theme, description
Hashtag: Social hashtag
Year: Conference year
Schedule Notes: Description of scheduling when dates aren't finalized
Start Date: Start date
End Date: End date
City: If in person, city
State: If in person, state
Territory/Province: If in person, territory/province
Country: If in person, country
Conference Site URL: Conference detail URL
Session Pitch URL: Session pitch site URL
Pitch Deadline: Session pitch deadline
Attendance Type: Open, membership, lottery, invitation
Ticket Minimum Price: Lowest ticket cost
Ticket Maximum Price: Maximum ticket cost
Scholarship/Stipend Available: Yes/No
Stipend URL: If stipend, URL for more information
Format: In person, remote, both
Scope: Local, state, regional, national, international
Conference Program: Conference progam pdf
Session Materials: URL of conference summary with links to materials
Books Index
Index of books published about or by journalists. Includes book about journalism practices, history or books by journalists about their coverage.
- Status: Under Construction
- Maintenance: Addition of books as they are published
๐ Contribute individual entries to the Books Index
๐๏ธ Contribute bulk entries to the Books Index
Title: Book title
Author(s): Author name(s)
Publisher: Publisher
Description: Book description
Publish Date: Book publish date
Cover: cover image
URL: URL for book information
Category: Practice, History, Reportage
Awards: Awards or recognition, if any
Research Database
Database of published journalism research.
- Status: Planning
- Maintenance: Ongoing addition of new research
๐ Contribute individual entries to the Research Database
๐๏ธ Contribute bulk entries to the Research Database
Title: Paper/ article title
Author(s): Author name(s)
Institution: If the research was done within or on behalf on an institution, which one
Publication: Publication
Abstract: Abstract or description
Publish Date: Publish date
URL: URL of paper
Topic: Paper topic
Resource Directory
Directory of online training materials, toolkits, guides, resources, tool guides, etc.
- Status: Planning
- Maintenance: link maintenance, add new entries as they are identified
๐ Contribute individual entries to the Resource Directory
๐๏ธ Contribute bulk entries to the Resource Directory
Name: Site name
Person: If published by an individual, person's name
Organization: If published by an organization, organization's name
Description: Description of site content
Topics: Focus of the site
Cost: Cost of access, if any
Fellowships Database
Database of fellowships, residencies, cohorts and other temporary appointments and programs. Note* This is technically two databases, one for the Fellowship and one for each instance of the fellowship. (Example: ONA Women's Leadership Accelerator and the 2025 WLA Cohort.)
- Status: Published
- Maintenance: yearly update for new dates and other details, addition of new opportunities as they arise.
๐ Contribute individual entries to the Fellowships Database
๐๏ธ Contribute bulk entries to the Fellowships Database
Instance Fields
Instance Name: Opportunity + Year
Program: Name of Opportunity
Consideration: Application or nomination
URL: Site for program details
Deadline: Deadline for applying/nominating
Start Date: Program start date
End Date: Program end date
Costs: If cost is associated with participation
Costs - Details: Explanation of costs
Compensation: Monetary amount, if any
Format: In person, remote, both
Location: In person location
Notes: Any additional detail about the opportunity
Initiatives Database
Database of programs, initiatives, centers, projects or other entities with a specific scope or mission. (Example: News Catalyst was a project at the Klein College of Media and Communication at Temple University.) Concluded projects are welcome in this repository as part of the record of things that have existed.
- Status: Planning
- Maintenance: Ongoing addition of entries, maintenance of data as things start or sunset.
๐ Contribute individual entries to the Initiatives Database
๐๏ธ Contribute bulk entries to the Initiatives Database
Name: Name of program
Parent Institution: Parent organization, if any
Description: description of program mission and goals
Status: Active, Sunset
URL: Program website
Type: Training, research, support services, etc.
Topics: Areas of focus
Funder Database
Database of known journalism funders.
- Status: Published
- Maintenance: Ongoing data management, additions and updates
๐ Contribute individual entries to the Funder Database
๐๏ธ Contribute bulk entries to the Funder Database
Name: Name of organization
Type: Philanthropic or investment
Description: Description of funder, areas of interest, focus
URL: Funder website
Areas of interest: Description of interests (ex: startups, collaboration, etc)
Geographic Scope: Geographic scope of funder
Topical Scope: Arts, health, technology, politics, etc
Funding Opportunities: Open calls, application periods, by invitation...
Notes: Any additional notes about this funder
Funding Tracker
Database of published grants and significant gifts to journalism organizations or publications.
- Status: Planning
- Maintenance: Ongoing data management, additions and updates
๐ Contribute individual entries to the Funding Tracker
๐๏ธ Contribute bulk entries to the Funding Tracker
Funder: Funder name
Recipient: Funding recipient
Description: Description about funding
Date: Date awarded
Amount: Amount awarded
Type: Details as available about goals for outcome of funding
URL: URL of announcement